
What to eat (And Why)

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magna aliqua. Ut minim. Consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
incididunt ut labore magna aliqua. Ut minim.

Bulk Bins for Earth Day

I'm big on milestones. New Year's for reflecting and prioritizing, spring for weeding and cleaning out clutter (both literally and metaphorically). So with April being

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How To Cook

Consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore
magna aliqua. Ut minim. Consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
incididunt ut labore magna aliqua. Ut minim.

How to make time for Real Food

Consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore
magna aliqua. Ut minim. Consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
incididunt ut labore magna aliqua. Ut minim.

Go for Alaskan Wild Salmon!

There is one case in which “buy wild” is always a sustainable choice, and a green-rated one at that. Alaskan wild salmon. Try some from the Copper River with this tasty summer stone fruit salsa.

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Build a Healthy Pantry

Healthy meals start with a healthy pantry. Stock up on these basics, from cooking oils and vinegars to whole grains, beans, legumes, salt and spices.

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Be Slim and Satisfied

Satiety is what we feel when we’ve had enough; it’s what makes us stop eating and what keeps us full. As we amass more and more scientific research on the subject—on both sensory-stimulated behavior and physiological mechanisms—a more complete picture is emerging on just how our appetite is controlled. I'm hoping we focus on becoming more aware of the innate signals our bodies are giving us and the foods that are naturally satiating.

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Feast without Frenzy: Put People to Work

For whatever reason, I often feel like I have to do everything myself when guests gather—plan, cook, serve, clean (alright, I admit, Christopher does that). But the truth is, involving others in the meal makes them feel even more welcome, more at home. Here are five strategies for putting people to work during the holidays in a way that will bring cheer to all.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vel ullamcorper nisl. Praesent tincidunt nibh sit amet sagittis porttitor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Maecenas euismod ullamcorper libero, quis sollicitudin metus ullamcorper et. Curabitur elementum tincidunt fringilla. Vestibulum a ligula vitae dui rutrum consectetur non nec quam. Aliquam gravida ornare erat, sit amet lobortis massa sagittis pellentesque. Sed dapibus sed est nec blandit. Curabitur tellus felis, porttitor et odio nec, elementum aliquam sem. Nam ut dui enim. Nullam ac ornare odio. Nullam pulvinar purus porttitor dolor gravida lobortis.

Ut pulvinar pulvinar neque ut euismod. In tempor placerat risus, ut tempus eros congue vel. Ut venenatis ultricies magna, porta hendrerit dolor posuere ut. In sit amet tempor ante, eget lacinia ipsum. Nunc in condimentum ex. Sed sit amet urna ultrices, euismod urna vitae, sollicitudin orci. Quisque non justo convallis, scelerisque nulla sit amet, tincidunt augue.